
Upcode - the 1D barcode reader (and 2D barcodes as well)

If you use your barcode reader a lot, you’d like to know the best reader available. Well, I don’t search around much but I just found out this new app and went ahead to test it. It’s known as UPCODE, you can try it out from here.

As a benchmark, I used same method as previously, which is through the kaywa web generator and also quickmark code generator; the results:-

UPCODE managed to read only as much as 85 characters of Kaywa’s code and upto 120 characters of quickmark’s code.

So it seems quickmark’s apps are still the best for my E71, so far. And Nokia's native code reader is also better, i guess.

1 thing to note though, this upcode app allows code reading of 1D barcode! This should be a big plus point as the other readers do not offer this. So if you find this feature useful, then you might want to keep it.

1 comment:

Hendriksen said...

Find out more about what you can do with 2D Mobile Codes and the Application at http://www.upcode.com